Bet365 Poker Now Offering Twister Poker

Twister Poker at Bet365

Bet365 Poker is one of the more consistent poker sites available to UK poker players and by that, I mean that the site offers plenty of bonuses, promotions and lots of different game types, but the types of promotions, games etc don’t tend to change much over the course of the year.

So when Bet365 Poker add a new game to their repertoire, then it is well worth sitting up and taking notice and like several other poker sites, Bet365 have now added the excellent Twister Poker to their range of games.

We’ve already pointed out that Bet365 is known for having excellent bonuses, so before you give Twister Poker a whirl, be sure to get one for yourself. At the moment, new signups can benefit from over $7k+ in Bet365 Poker bonus offers.

What is Twister Poker?

Twister Poker is a 3-player Sit & Go game where each player is given a relatively short stack (500 chips) and pays a choice of buy in ($1, $2, $5 or $10).

However, unlike other Sit & Go games where the prize money on offer is decided by the amount of players participating at the table, in the Twister Sit & Go, before the first cards are dealt at the table, a wheel is spun.

Whatever the pointer lands on, is the prize that you will receive for your game. The more you buy into a game for, the greater the potential prize is for that game.

For example, if you play a $1 Twister Sit & Go then the prizes range from $2 up to $1,000, depending on the outcome of the spin of the wheel.

If you play $2 then the prizes range from $4 up to $2,000 and so on, up to a maximum prize of $10,000 if you play in the $10 game.

The exciting part of the game is that players do not know what jackpot they will be playing for when they first log into a game. You may be playing for the minimum jackpot of double your stake back, or you could be playing for a prize that is 1000 times more than your stake.

Obviously, there are only a certain number of higher prized jackpot games available, so you are more likely to be playing for smaller stakes than the big prizes, but seeing as the games played are random, there is as much chance of you playing for the bigger prizes as there is any other player.

How does Twister Poker play?

Twister Poker, if you have not played it previously, is very much like a normal Sit & Go game as you would play on any other site, however given that there are only three players and short stacks, these games are played at a much higher pace than normal.

If you are a player who likes to take their time at the table and relax into a tournament, perhaps watching how players play and how hands develop before making a significant commitment to a pot, then Twister Poker isn’t likely to be your ideal choice of game.

Given that there are few players and the pace of play is very quick, the game can be quite frantic. Players tend to play a far higher percentage of hands and this means that bluffing, playing with a low kicker and trying to hit inside straights or flushes are all pretty common.

Of course, the smaller the jackpot you are playing for then the more loose tables tend to play, players do tend to tighten up considerably when they are playing for even one of the mid-range, let alone the top level jackpots.

Tips for playing Twister Poker on Bet365 Poker

Having played a little of the game, I find myself coming back to the feeling that Twister Poker is about maximising the good cards you get, combined with a healthy dose of luck.

If that luck runs for you, then you can pick up a win relatively easily. Hit the right cards at the right time and you will also pick up a win relatively easily and in double-quick time too.

Here’s an example of how:

In one hand, with one player short stacked and myself and another player of similar stacks, I was dealt K 2 suited.  The short stacked player went all in, and the other player, surprisingly, called.  Given that the all in wasn’t a particularly big raise, I called too.

The flop came down 7 2 2. Which meant that while my flush draw (which was my initial reason for calling) was dead, I’d hit trip twos on the flop.

Having committed about a sixth of his coins, the other player then made a mid-level raise, which I assumed was an attempt to steal the pot. At best I put him on a pair of sevens. So I raised his bet by trebling it.

Having now committed a third of his chips, he felt he had to see the bet out and called.I knew then that unless the remaining community cards were unkind, I had him. The turn and river saw no help for either of us, but he continued to bet all his chips into the pot, making for a relatively easy win in the space of a few minutes.

One thing to watch out for though is how the flop plays out. Especially if you have a strong pocket hand. Twice I was forced to fold A K suited after a large initial raise was called and an unkind flop saw my opponent potentially land big hands and bet strongly on them.

Twister Poker, on Bet365 Poker at least, isn’t really a game where tight players will do particularly well I feel. The short stack and the fact that other players will readily call with almost anything in their hand, make it a tough game for a tight player to win. You have to maximise the cards you are dealt, even if that means betting out of your comfort zone or when common sense tells you otherwise.

However, if you want fast, frantic and fun poker action, with a chance of winning up to 1,000 times your original stake when facing just two other opponents, then Twister Poker is well worth a look.

Want to play Bet365 Poker on the go? Check out our in-depth guide to the Bet365 Poker mobile app.

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